struct appdata | ad |
| Basic information about dimensions: number of countries, start year, end year. More...
char ** | iso3 |
| The ISO 3-letter code for the country. More...
int | thisyear |
| Store the current year. More...
int | cumsince |
| Calculate responsibility from this year. More...
int | emergstart |
| Start year of "emergency progam". More...
float | billpercgwp |
| Bill as percent of GWP. More...
float | respweight |
| Responsibility weight. More...
float | dt_low |
| Development threshold – in PPP. More...
float | dt_high |
| Luxury threshold – in MER. More...
float | lux_thresh_mult |
| Tax multiplier for incomes above luxury threshold. More...
int | interp_between_thresholds |
| If true, interpolate capacity and responsibility between thresholds. More...
float | capfrac |
| Income counted toward capacity between thresholds. More...
float | emisselast |
| Emissions elasticity. More...
int | usesequence |
| Boolean: true if Annex 1 countries act first (sequencing) More...
int | sequenceyear |
| End of the first committment period with sequencing: only A1 up to here. More...
float | a1_perc_rdxn |
| If sequencing, % below ref year that A1 must reduce it's emissions by sequence year. More...
int | a1refyear |
| The year compared to which A1 reduces emissions (e.g., 1990 or 2005) More...
int | use_lag |
| Apply a (varying) time lag between mitigation investment and realized reductions. More...
float | a1_shape_param |
| If sequencing, exponent on tfrac^a1_shape_param that affects how rapidly A1 countries approach target. More...
int | assign_mitgap_to |
| If sequencing: either 1 (Annex 1) or 2 (Annex 2) for who bears responsibility for mitigation gap. More...
struct fixedfactor | annex1 |
| Filter for Annex 1 countries. More...
struct fixedfactor | annex2 |
| Filter for Annex 2 countries. More...
struct fixedfactor | frozen |
| Emissions that are "frozen" following the first sequencing period. More...
struct datablock | bl_fossil |
| Baseline fossil emissions. More...
int | use_lulucf |
| Flag whether to include land-use change emissions. More...
struct datablock | bl_lulucf |
| Baseline land use, land-use change, and forestry. More...
int | use_nonco2 |
| Flag whether to include non-CO2 gases. More...
struct datablock | bl_nonco2 |
| Baseline non-CO2 gases. More...
int | use_netexports |
| Flag whether to include emissions embodied in traded goods. More...
struct datablock | bl_netexports |
| Baseline net exports, for embodied carbon. More...
int | do_luxcap |
| Flag whether to use luxury-capped baselines. More...
int | use_kab |
| Flag whether to use Kyoto-adjusted baselines (KABs) More...
int | kab_only_ratified |
| Flag whether to only include countries that ratified the Kyoto agreement. More...
struct datablock | baseline |
| Baseline emissions, the sum of all selected baseline components. More...
struct datablock | volrdxn |
| Voluntary reductions. More...
struct datablock | a1domrdxn |
| Annex 1 domestic reductions (if sequencing) More...
struct datablock | gdp |
| GDP in MER. More...
struct datablock | pop |
| Population in people. More...
struct datablock | scalpop |
| Scaled population, in billions (calculated as 1.0e-9 * population) More...
struct datablock | ppp2mer |
| Ratio of GDP in PPP to GDP in MER. More...
struct datablock | ybar_ppp |
| Mean income in PPP. More...
struct datablock | gini |
| Gini coefficient. More...
struct datablock | sdlog |
| Standard deviation of log income, estimated from Gini assuming lognormal distribution. More...
int | emerg_path_id |
| Integer ID indicating which emergency path to use. More...
struct timeseries | emergpath |
| The emergency pathway in GtC. More...
struct datablock | r |
| Responsibility (calculated) More...
struct datablock | c |
| Capacity (calculated) More...
struct datablock | rci |
| Responsibility-Capacity Indicator (calculated) More...
struct fixedfactor | rci_lagged |
| Averaged RCI for mitigation smoothing. More...
struct datablock | lux_emiss |
| Emissions over the luxury threshold (calculated) More...
struct datablock | lux_emiss_applied |
| Luxury emissions actually used in adjusted baseline (calculated) More...
struct datablock | alloc_gdrs |
| Emissions allocation (calculated) More...
struct datablock | pop_above_dl |
| Population above development threshold (calculated) More...
struct datablock | pop_above_lux |
| Population above luxury threshold (calculated) More...
struct datablock | zl |
| Development threshold converted to "z" variable \( z = \frac{1}{\sigma} \ln\left(y/\bar y\right) + \frac{1}{2}\sigma\). More...
struct datablock | zu |
| Luxury threshold converted to "z" variable \( z = \frac{1}{\sigma} \ln\left(y/\bar y\right) + \frac{1}{2}\sigma\). More...
struct timeseries | yu_adj |
| Adjusted luxury threshold to ensure that adjusted baseline is not below emergency pathway. More...
struct datablock | zu_adj |
| Adjusted luxury threshold as "z" variable \( z = \frac{1}{\sigma} \ln\left(y/\bar y\right) + \frac{1}{2}\sigma\). More...
struct datablock | kab_gap |
| Gap between Kyoto-adjusted baseline and standard baseline. More...
struct fixedfactor | kyoto_startep_frac_1990 |
| For Annex I countries, Kyoto committments at the start of the emergency program as a fraction of 1990. More...
struct fixedfactor | kyoto_startep_frac |
| For Annex I countries, Kyoto committments at the start of the emergency program as a fraction of BaU. More...
struct fixedfactor | kyoto_ratified |
| A filter equal to 1.0 if ratified and 0.0 if not. More...
int | num_tax_levels |
| Number of entries in the tax level table in the database. More...
struct tax_entry | tax_levels [TAX_MAX_ENTRIES] |
| Table of tax levels with associated information. More...
struct datablock | tax_revenue_mer_dens [TAX_MAX_ENTRIES] |
| Table to hold contribution to tax in different countries & years for the different tax levels (multiplied by pop & prob dens–summable over countries) More...
struct datablock | tax_revenue_ppp_dens [TAX_MAX_ENTRIES] |
| Table to hold contribution to tax in different countries & years for the different tax levels (multiplied by pop & prob dens–summable over countries) More...
struct datablock | tax_income_mer_dens [TAX_MAX_ENTRIES] |
| Table to hold tax income in MER terms (multiplied by pop & prob density–summable over countries) More...
struct datablock | tax_income_ppp_dens [TAX_MAX_ENTRIES] |
| Table to hold tax income in PPP terms (multiplied by pop & prob density–summable over countries) More...
struct datablock | tax_pop_dens [TAX_MAX_ENTRIES] |
| Table to hold pop & prob dens at different tax levels. More...
struct datablock | tax_pop_below [TAX_MAX_ENTRIES] |
| Table to hold population below the tax line. More...
This is the main struct that contains data from the sqlite3 database and calculated values.
Definition at line 92 of file gdrs.h.